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Extension of S4Vectors::SimpleList that holds only NULL or TxpTransFunc objects.






TxpTransFunc object or function to create TxpTransFuncList object


list, function, or TxpTransFunc object to coerce to TxpTransFuncList


When ... includes function objects, TxpTransFuncList will attempt to coerce them to TxpTransFunc and return an error if any of the elements cannot be coerced to TxpTransFunc.


## Create TxpTransFunc objects
tf1 <- TxpTransFunc(function(x) x)
tf2 <- TxpTransFunc(function(x) sqrt(x))

## Create TxpTransFuncList 
tfl <- TxpTransFuncList(linear = tf1, sqrt = tf2, cube = function(x) x^3)
tfl[[3]](3) == 27
#> [1] TRUE
tfl[["sqrt"]](4) == 2
#> [1] TRUE

## Concatenate
c(tfl, tfl)
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 6: linear sqrt ... sqrt cube

## names
names(c(tfl, tfl))
#> [1] "linear" "sqrt"   "cube"   "linear" "sqrt"   "cube"  

# note: names are printed as '' when missing; NULL is printed when list item
# is NULL
names(TxpTransFuncList(function(x) x, NULL))
TxpTransFuncList(function(x) x, NULL)
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 2: '' NULL

## coercion
as(function(x) x, "TxpTransFuncList")
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 1: ''
as.TxpTransFuncList(function(x) x)
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 1: ''

as(TxpTransFunc(function(x) x), "TxpTransFuncList")
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 1: ''
as.TxpTransFuncList(TxpTransFunc(function(x) x))
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 1: ''

as(list(function(x) x, sqrt = function(x) sqrt(x)), "TxpTransFuncList")
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 2: '' sqrt
as.TxpTransFuncList(list(function(x) x, sqrt = function(x) sqrt(x)))
#>   TxpTransFuncList of length 2: '' sqrt